面试经验 (博世汽车部件(南京)有限公司,共3条分享)

2015-09-09 | 社会招聘



1.家庭成员人数? 2.为何选择该公司实习? 3.ansys运用经历(这个是在简历中有提到,主考官兴趣提问) 4.在校的社团工作心得,即团队协调方面的心得之类的。


  • 博世汽车部件(南京)有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>
  • 博世汽车部件(南京)有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>
  • 博世汽车部件(南京)有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>
  • 博世汽车部件(南京)有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>


Bosch Automotive Products (Nanjing) Co., Ltd

Bosch Automotive Products (Nanjing) Co., Ltd (RBNJ for short) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, with registered capital of $65,800,000 and total investment of $187 million. RBNJ is located in Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone with an area of 310,000 sqm².

RBNJ is dedicated to manufacturing of spark plugs, brake components, diagnostics and thermodynamic technology. It‘s the largest spark plug manufacturing base in Bosch Group, and a new R&D base for brake components and diagnostics which owning the most advanced testing platforms and equipments.

Spark plug division’s products are the ignition components for engines, excellent corrosion resistance and reliable igniting guarantees Bosch spark plugs can work well under any conditions. Meanwhile, Bosch spark plugs also have the advantages on saving fuel, reducing harmful emissions and long service life.

Brake component division uses patented international advanced friction materials, strives to find the best balance between braking performance and service life so as to ensure braking safety. Moreover, Bosch brake components show more stable friction coefficients, more reliable emergency brake performance and lower noise etc.

Diagnostic division produces diagnostic equipments with imported core parts from Germany and Italy. The new wheel alignment system has high accuracy which could ensure safe driving and easy controlling; and the new types of tire changer and dynamic balancing machine has advantages on saving time for operation, protecting tires during changing etc.

RBNJ lives on Bosch values and dedicates to provide staff with an excellent international working environment. RBNJ is also committed to providing quality products and services for China's automotive industry by offering advanced technology, modern management methods and professional teams of employees.