早上投了简历,下午就收到了面试通知,说第二天一大早就要面试。 面试是三个部分,第一部分是数学题,30min有10道题,全英,对于文科生来说比较困难。 第二部分测试图表和excel制作和应用 第三部分是面试,展示第二部分的制作过程+常规面试
面试官问的面试题: Agenda:
9:30am - 10:00am: numerical test (an electronic calculator will be needed)
10:00am - 10:10am: numerical test scoring, the candidates who passes the test will be enrolled to the next round
10:10am - 10:50am: Charting test & Excel test (please bring in your laptop to the office)
11:00am - 12:30pm: face-to-face interview