面试经验 (百旺塑料设备(苏州)有限公司,共2条分享)


面试官人很好 没有为难 只说可以学习 大概了解了工作情况 也没有做任何测试 非常信任 聊了一会后hr过来谈薪水等 整体感觉公司虽然不大 管理蛮好的 里面人也很不错


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  • 百旺塑料设备(苏州)有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>


Piovan, founded in 1934 as mechanical engineering company, in 1963 entered the plastics industry and specializes in the manufacturing of auxiliary equipment.
Headquartered in Santa Maria di Sala, Venice, Piovan is one of the few companies in the world able to provide the full range of auxiliary machines: hoppers, dehumidifiers, crystallisers, dryers, mould dehumidifiers, volumetric, gravimetric and weight loss blenders, granulators, thermoregulators and chillers.
The supervisory software Winfactory, which allows the simple management of the plant from a remote position, completes the product range.
To meet the needs of the diverse applicative sectors of polymer transformation, Piovan is structured into three business divisions: Injection & Blow Moulding, Extrusion and PET Preform.
Over the past ten years the company has become a multinational organization with production facilities in Italy, Brazil, China and USA, 17 subsidiaries and representatives for more than 50 countries and 750 employees worldwide (2011 figures).
With its sales and technical assistance network widespread worldwide, Piovan offers its contribution as engineering partner, by designing and creating turn-key centralised systems and innovative solutions in step with market demands and technological evolutions.
总部位于意大利威尼斯的百旺是目前世界上为数不多的能够生产全系列塑料加工辅助设备的生产商之一。产品种类包括:料斗,除湿机,结晶机,干燥机,称重式、体积式以及失重式混料机,粉碎机,冷水机,模温机以及模具除湿机等。这些设备与能够对设备进行远程控制的Win Factory 管理软件一起,共同构成一个完整的辅机产品线。
在过去的10多年中,公司已经成长为一个国际化实体,拥有包括意大利,巴西,中国及美国的四大生产基地, 17家子公司和分布于50多个国家的代表处,在全球拥有750多名员工(2011年数据)。