面试经验 (UBER,共13条分享)

2016-07-08 | 网上申请

通过网上投递简历获得面试机会 面试了三次 第一次是DS 车主段运营的两个senior intern面试 问了一些和数据处理相关的问题 他们觉得我更时候BD 就是大家看到的uber各种跨界营销的合作对接部门 面了第一个人是campaign部门的 后来有面了BD部门的经理 现场出题策划一场跨界营销案例 我回答的不适很满意 但其他简历挺满意的 于是又给了我回去做笔试的机会 笔试结果还是挺满意的 就通知入职了


对uber的了解 最喜欢uber哪场跨界营销 谈一谈 策划一场和shopping mall的跨界营销


  • UBER新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 基本工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>
  • uber新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>


Uber, a San Francisco-based technology startup, is innovating at the intersection of lifestyle and logistics. Uber connects riders with safe, reliable, convenient transportation providers at a variety of price-points in cities around the world. The company uses a smartphone application to receive ride requests and then sends these trip requests to their drivers. Customers use the app to request rides and track their reserved vehicle's location. As of 16 December 2014, the service was available in 53 countries and more than 200 cities worldwide and was valued at more than US$40 billion. Since Uber's launch, several other companies have emulated its business model, a trend that has come to be referred to as "Uberification".