美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company怎么样

你选择加入美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company的原因是什么?你觉得加入美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company对你的职业帮助大吗?
此信息由美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company员工[自动化工程师]分享于2019年06月
美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company一般多久涨工资,工资涨幅大概多少?公司薪酬体系完善吗?
此信息由美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company员工[自动化工程师]分享于2019年06月
你觉得美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company未来发展前景如何?和同类公司相比优势在哪里?在行业中处于什么地位?
此信息由美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company员工[自动化工程师]分享于2019年06月

面试经验 (美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company,共1条分享)


先是电话面试,大概问问现在情况,工作内容,英语口语,期望薪资什么的。然后去公司技术面试,三个人,HR,经理,lead engineer一起来,就问问项目经验,之前做过什么,然后会顺着你的话题问过来,全英文,口语不好说一说然后改说中文,最后还是过了


过往的项目经历 对DCS PLC控制系统理解 如何应对客户无理要求 如何排除系统问题


  • 美国西屋电气Westinghouse Electric Company新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 基本工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>


As the world’s leading supplier of nuclear plant products, technologies and services, Westinghouse Electric Company strives to provide safe, clean and reliable electricity. Today, the leading edge technology developed by Westinghouse is the basis for approximately one-half of the world’s operating nuclear plants. Our comprehensive offerings cover the entire life cycle of nuclear power plants including Automation and Field Services, Engineering, Equipment and Major Projects, Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Power Plants.

With headquarter in Cranberry Township,Pennsylvania,United States, Westinghouse has operations in 12 states and 15 countries with over 11,000 employees. With the revitalization of the nuclear industry, Westinghouse has embarked on a plan to hire and train thousands of new employees per year for the foreseeable future.

Westinghouse Electric Company has played an active role in China’s nuclear power industry since the 1990s. In 2007, Westinghouse successfully won the bid for China’s generation three plus (III+) nuclear power projects to build two units of AP1000 reactors in Sanmen, Zhejiang Province and two units in Haiyang, Shandong Province.

Look forward, WEC-China is willing to embrace more opportunities with domestic enterprises, and continues to support China’s nuclear power development strategy.