面试经验 (广州希尔顿酒店,共1条分享)

2023-02-07 | 熟人/朋友/介绍



1. Tell me little about yourself? 介绍一下你自己? 2. Why do you choose the Management Trainee Program in Hospitality Industry? 你为什么选择在酒店行业做管培生? 3. Tell me where you may find you in the five years? 你五年内的职业规划是什么? 4. Tell me how your classmates might or colleagues might describe you in work or studying life? 你的同学或者同事怎样评价你? 5. Tell me about a time you were able to successfully work with another person in a project even when that individual may not have personality liked you (or vice visa) 说一下你经历过的团队合作,有与不喜欢的人合作的经验吗? 6. Tell me one of your greatest strengthens.你最大的优点是什么? 7. Tell me one of your greatest weaknesses.你最大的缺点是什么? 8. Tell me that what you can contribute to the Hilton Worldwide or the MT program.告诉我你可以给希尔顿全球或是管培生项目带来什么? 9. Outline your most favourite city which you prefer to work after program.这个项目结束以后你最想留在那个城市工作?


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