面试经验 (博康智能网络科技股份有限公司,共4条分享)

2015-04-16 | 熟人/朋友/介绍

先进行自我介绍。 然后问一些和专业有关的问题,问我的是图像处理相关的问题,问题比较基础,不是很难,基础知识了解,基本上都能回答上来。 然后会问些其他问题,比如做的项目,平时的兴趣爱好什么的,对加班的想法之类的。 之后会让我们问他问题。 然后商量薪水,会让我们自己说理想的薪水是多少。最后会直接给出是否录取的信息。 整体上比较轻松,面试官人也很好。


自我介绍; 对简历中的信息进行提问; 对做的笔试中的题目或者答案进行提问。


  • 博康智能网络科技股份有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险详情>>
  • 博康智能网络科技股份有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金详情>>
  • 博康智能网络科技股份有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成津贴加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否有公积金是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>
  • 博康智能网络科技股份有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>
  • 博康智能网络科技股份有限公司新增一条来自 前员工/在职员工 分享的工资待遇,包括以下内容:
  • 绩效及提成加班工资年终奖是否有保险是否准时下班周六周天是否加班详情>>


   博康智能网络科技股份有限公司(BOCOM Smart Network Technologies Inc.中文简称:博康智能)是中国领先的智慧安全及智慧交通专业解决方案提供商,主要面向智慧城市、平安城市、城市交通等领域,为政府、公安、交通、公交、港口、机场、海关等行业用户提供专业解决方案及综合运营服务。公司自主研发的产品及解决方案成功应用于香港回归、50周年国庆、APEC会议、60周年国庆、深圳大运会、上海亚信峰会等多项国际级大型活动及各大城市的重点项目建设,以一流的技术和服务赢得用户、专家、业界乃至政府机构的首肯。

BOCOM Smart Network Technologies is the leading professional smart security and intelligent transportation solution provider in China, providing professional solutions and comprehensive service for government, public security, traffic, public transport, port, airport, customs and other industry users, customers are from various fields which includingsmart city, safe city and urban traffic controletc.For years BOCOM Smart Network Technologies has successfully served a serious of national key projects and events such as the ceremony of Hong Kong’s return to mainland of China, 50 anniversary of National Day,2001 APEC Summits, 2008 Beijing Olympics , 60 anniversary of National Day 2010, Shanghai World Expo, Shenzhen Universidad, Shanghai CICA Summit etc. With the first-class technology and service, BOCOM has won the approval from customers, industry experts, and even the government.

Its consistent pursuit of technology innovation will enable the company reach to a higher technology position. With a strong R&D center, rich technical strength, complete technical support and service team, the company built joint research institutes with some famous enterprises and Universities such as Intel, Texas Instruments and Shanghai Jiao Tong University etc. With many years exploration, the company has won hundreds of patents and software copyrights and won a lot of titles as below: national Torch Program focused on high-tech enterprises, the National New KeyProducts, Excellent Security Products Recommended for Safe City Development, Shanghai Science and Technology progress award, star of the Shanghai software enterprises etc.

" Wisdom leads our vision", as Chinese video market pioneer, always adhering to the principle of "wisdom, trust, Assumption " as corporate values, BOCOM is committed to providing the best products and service for customers, creating values for shareholders and building rich life experience for employees. With the hope of good fortune and new beginnings, BOCOM will be responsible for promoting the construction of smart city, seeking sincere cooperation and common development with our partners, creating wisdom China with the wisdom of Chinese!

总部地址:上海市徐汇区虹漕路456号光启大厦18-20楼 邮编:200233
北京市海淀区西小口路66号中关村东升科技园C区C7一层 邮编:100192
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